Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Hello my lovelies, it's been too long!
I have to apologise for my lack of blog updates lately, I couldn't even really begin to explain the number of things I've been up to in the interlude, between a month ago and now, however there has certainly been a lot of stressing over university deadlines, health struggles, sun-coated days filled with happy memories and everyday turmolis. However I currently find myself at nearing the end of the academic year and thus the long Summer months loom tantalisingly close. As of yet I don't really have many plans other than a few training days, a concert in London and the possibility of doing some research into my dissertation before the Autumn. However I have no real idea as to how I'll pass the majority of the days between now and this time 4 months from now. In some respects its a blessing, so much free time, surely time to explore and enjoy myself? However as we all know life isn't always that straightforward and there are often obstructions in our path. Without sounding overly negative I have been anxious of those empty Summer days, when I'll no doubt be separated from my boy as I venture back to Ireland for a while. But I'm trying not to worry, I don't know why I do.
In honesty I'm not really sure what the point of this post is other than a brief update on my what's been present in my thoughts lately, that I felt the need to say hello again! So I'm if you've read this far and feel like you've wasted another minute of your life that could've been better spent, but this blog is a space for my thoughts as well as adventure and triumph and at the moment I might be lacking in enthusiasm and thus the rather pointless post. But sometimes you need a space to share and for the moment this is it, please try not to judge me on my last two posts. I'm not sure when or what my next post will be about, but in the meantime I hope all your weekends have been quite wonderful over the bank holiday weekend and that you enjoy yourselves to fullest where possible amongst these often stressful exam filled months.
Peace & Love til' next time!

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