Monday, 20 April 2015

Back to Basics

In today's modern world of social media, trends and 24/7 television, it is all too easy to become tranquilised by the ever-evolving media culture and suddenly you can find yourself unhappy, chasing false impressions and try to match your lifestyle to those who appear better off for whatever reason/s. This is why as of today I am taking a back-to-basics approach on my lifestyle choice, less influence on the lifestyle of those around me, instead focusing in on the simple pleasures of my own.
There are several daunting subjects on my mind at the moment, grown-up realities which have to be faced. I've always been a worrier, so I am trying now to rational more and things one day at a time. There is no point to bogging myself down to the point where I end up getting nowhere fast, with nothing any further solved and my health in a state of disrepair. So from now on it's the slow and steady approach, I'm trying to concentrate on the positives whilst I gradually deal with the scarier prospects of my future, I don't want to waste time unnecessarily feeling depressed.
Currently I am trying to vary my diet a little more and trying to engage in new healthy alternatives to my usual budgetary reliant diet of pasta and takeaway cups. It's all too easy when you're at uni and have lots of deadlines and are always on your feet, to then come home and stick a ready meal on for 3 minutes in the microwave. Realistically that'll still happen every so often, but with the Summer months ahead I am certainly more conscious of my diet and how it needs to change.
It may be cliche' but' healthy body = healthy mind' = my aim.
Here's to going back to basics and making the most of the newly dawned sunshine, hurrah!
Peace & Love til' next time!

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