Monday, 29 December 2014

A Year In Reflection ... 2014

Last New Year's was a little quieter than the usual boisterous house of chaos and this year is shaped to be very similar if not more so again. However that has no reflection on the year itself, which has been wonderful and difficult and wonderful and difficult again but whilst 2014 has proved another year of personal hardship it's equally been a year of personal gain, of learning and experience.

Travel has proved a big highlight of the past year, having done quite a bit more adventuring than one would normally anticipate of experience in the average year. Stratford-upon-Avon for Valentine's, the New Forest for a extra-curricular excursion, Amsterdam on a university trip and then a compilation of Cornwall, Bristol, Glastonbury and Wells for my very special 21st birthday weekend. The Autumn brought further highlights as I got to explore several areas of Wales with my byf , as well as a brief flying visit to Oxford and a Christmas excursion to Liverpool. Then to top it all off, a trip down to Dublin proved a lovely little break when the byf came to visit me in Ireland.
As January slogged along I found myself still brightly optimistic as to the rest of the year ahead, having survived the first term of university life, however while the first couple weeks went well enough things didn't take long at spiralling downhill, my health took a turn for the worse, escalating to the point where with regret I had to finish the rest of my first year from home. By some miracle I survived the long demanding days of the Summer, (spent mostly indoors) and was admitted greatfully into my 2nd year. From here another term passes, I'm no longer in halls and am living independently in a wonderful old house with several other girls and somehow I've managed to reach Christmas with all my assignments in on time. But I wouldn't have got through it without the kindness, friendship and support of some of those closest to me. I am forever greatful for all the wonderful opportunites that have passed my way this year and can even say that I am finally employed, so whilst the year has had it's struggles for sure it's also been quite a wonderful year in retrospect and one I shan't quickly forget.
Love & Peace - til' next time!

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